Copper Taps

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  • Passes all network traffic – not reliant on SPAN ports
  • LED shows power, speed, link and activity
  • Link Fault Detect prevents undetected network link failures
  • Aggregation tap – combine both directions of the monitored link into a single tool port

Keysight Copper Taps provide network isolation, dropping any traffic that is accidentally or maliciously transmitted back onto the monitor ports. The copper taps are isolated from the network because they have no IP address, eliminating exposure to external attacks.

Keysight offers two models of copper taps:

  • IxTap Standard break out full duplex tap – cost efficient, light wait, high density tap for standard operations. Remote management and smart tap features are available. Available for 10/100/1000M
  • Copper Tap  Port Aggregator – works as full duplex or port aggregation mode for 10/100/1000M speeds

Copper taps comes with optional accessories for rack mount and power chassis.